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- 上传时间:2024年02月26日 03时18分31秒
* Shipping Methods ** *** * 送货方式 ** *** When a customer orders a product or service from your company, you must ensure the best methods or routes t ......
Shipping Methods
When a customer orders a product or service from your company, you must ensure the best methods or routes to deliver the product or service at the customer's location without any delay or defect. In the Odoo ERP system, you can save the records and manage the transportation methods used by a company to ship their products to respective customers. Delivering the product at the right time without causing any damage to the product at a fair shipping cost will help your company to create a good impression on your customers. The company can deliver products directly to the customers or seek help from third-party shipping companies. In both these shipping methods, Odoo will ensure seamless workflow by ensuring accurate monitoring of the delivery processes.
当客户向你的公司订购产品或服务时,你必须确保用最好的方法或路线将产品或服务送到客户所在地,没有任何延迟或缺陷。在Odoo ERP系统中,您可以保存记录并管理公司将产品运送到各自客户所使用的运输方法。在正确的时间交付产品而不造成任何损坏,以公平的运输成本将有助于您的公司给客户留下良好的印象。公司可以直接将产品交付给客户,也可以寻求第三方运输公司的帮助。在这两种运输方式中,Odoo将通过确保准确监控交付过程来确保无缝的工作流程。
You can activate the shipping feature in the Odoo 16 from the Settings menu of the Sales module. Go to the Shipping tab available in the Settings menu as highlighted in the image below.
您可以从Sales模块的Settings菜单中激活Odoo 16中的发货特性。转到设置菜单中的Shipping选项卡,如下图所示。
You can activate the Delivery Methods here which will help you to compute shipping costs on orders. The window will also show all available third-party shippers such as FedEx Connector, bpost Connector, Sendcloud Connector, UPS Connector, DHL Express Connector, USPS Connector, and EasyPost Connector. Using the external link available near each shipping party, you can configure shipping methods for respective shipping parties. We are going to discuss the general method of shipping method configuration. For this, you can go to the Configuration menu where you will get access to the Shipping Method platform.
您可以在这里激活送货方法,这将帮助您计算订单的运费。该窗口还将显示所有可用的第三方托运人,如FedEx连接器,bpost连接器,Sendcloud连接器,UPS连接器,DHL快递连接器,USPS连接器和EasyPost连接器。使用每个运输方附近可用的外部链接,您可以为各自的运输方配置运输方法。我们要讨论的是出货方法配置的一般方法。为此,您可以转到Configuration菜单,在那里您可以访问Shipping Method平台。
The list of already configured shipping methods can be found on this platform. It shows the information regarding the Delivery Method, Provider, Is Published, Website, Company, and Countries. Let’s create a new shipping method for product deliveries using the Create Button.
可以在此平台上找到已配置的运输方法列表。它显示了有关交付方法、提供商、已发布、网站、公司和国家的信息。让我们使用create Button为产品交付创建一个新的运输方法。
The name of the Shipping Method can be mentioned in the given field. Mention the Website id to make this shipping available on your eCommerce site. In the Provider field, you are allowed to select suitable shipping providers for your delivery.
可以在给定字段中提到Shipping Method的名称。提及网站id,使此运输可在您的电子商务网站。在“提供商”字段中,您可以为您的交付选择合适的运输提供商。
From the drop-down menu, you can select one provider, or else you can install more providers using the corresponding option. Clicking on the Install more Providers will direct you to the AppStore from where you can install suitable providers.
After selecting Provider, you can specify Company and Delivery Product in the respective fields. The percentage mentioned in the Margin on Rate field will be added to the shipping cost.
选择Provider后,您可以在各自的字段中指定Company和Delivery Product。在利润率领域提到的百分比将被添加到运输成本。
Activate the Free if order amount is above field if you want to provide free shipping for orders with an amount equal to or more than the value specified in the Amount field. The tab available in this window will change based on the Provider you select. Here, we select the Fixed Price option. So we will get a tab named Pricing where you can mention the Fixed Price of this shipping method.
In the Destination Availability tab, you can specify the destinations where this shipping method is available.
You can specify the Countries, States, and Zip Prefixes in the corresponding fields. Any notes related to this shipping method can be specified under the Description tab. This is how we create shipping methods in the Odoo Sales module. After confirming a sales order, you can specify the shipping method for the delivery using the Add Shipping button as shown in the image below.
您可以在相应的字段中指定国家、州和Zip前缀。与此运输方法相关的任何注释都可以在Description选项卡下指定。这就是我们在Odoo Sales模块中创建发货方法的方式。确认销售订单后,您可以使用Add shipping按钮指定送货方法,如下图所示。
A pop up will appear to select the Shipping Method and the Cost will be displayed according to the selected shipping method.
Now, let’s look at the configuration of the units of measure in the Odoo Sales module.
现在,让我们看一下Odoo Sales模块中度量单位的配置。
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