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- 上传时间:2024年02月26日 01时44分05秒
* Sales Team ** *** * 销售团队 * In order to manage all sales-related operations inside a company, the necessity of having an efficient group of employee ......
Sales Team
In order to manage all sales-related operations inside a company, the necessity of having an efficient group of employees is very high. With the help of the Odoo Sales module, you can create multiple efficient teams of responsible employees to monitor your sales programs and thereby improve sales. The configuration option for the sales team can be seen in the CRM module also which we already discussed in the earlier chapter. The method of sales team configuration is similar in both the Sales and CRM modules. Under the Configuration menu of the Sales module, you can find the Sales Teams option which will give access to the platform as shown below to create and manage sales teams.
为了管理公司内部所有与销售相关的业务,拥有一群高效的员工是非常必要的。在Odoo Sales模块的帮助下,您可以创建多个由负责任的员工组成的高效团队来监控您的销售计划,从而提高销售额。销售团队的配置选项也可以在CRM模块中看到,我们已经在前面的章节中讨论过了。销售团队配置的方法在sales和CRM模块中都是相似的。在Sales模块的Configuration菜单下,您可以找到Sales Teams选项,该选项将允许访问如下所示的平台,以创建和管理销售团队。
You will be able to see the already configured sales teams on this platform along with the details of the name of the Sales Team, Alias, Team Leader, and Company. Using the Create button, you can effortlessly create a new team to manage your sales operations.
In the new sales team configuration window, you can mention a suitable name for your team in the Sales Team field. Then you can check the Quotations box if you want to send quotations to your customers rather than confirming sales orders straight away. You can check the Pipeline box to manage a pre sales process with opportunities. You can check the Leads box to filter and qualify incoming requests as leads before converting them into opportunities and assigning them to a salesperson.
在新的销售团队配置窗口中,您可以在sales team字段中为您的团队指定一个合适的名称。然后,如果您希望向客户发送报价,而不是直接确认销售订单,则可以选中报价框。您可以选中“管道”框来管理带有机会的售前流程。在将传入的请求转换为机会并将其分配给销售人员之前,您可以选中“线索”框来过滤并将传入的请求限定为线索。
Under the Team Details section, you can assign an employee as the Team Leader. Then specify Email Alias and for this, you can configure a custom domain in the given field. This sales team can accept emails from Everyone, Authenticated Partners, Followers only, or Authenticated Employees based on the option you select in the Accept Emails From field. The Company related to the sales team can be specified in the corresponding field. In the Invoicing Target field, you can define the revenue target for the current month.
在“团队详细信息”部分下,您可以将员工指定为团队负责人。然后指定电子邮件别名,为此,您可以在给定字段中配置自定义域。该销售团队可以接受来自每个人、经过身份验证的合作伙伴、仅关注者或经过身份验证的员工的电子邮件,这取决于您在“接受来自电子邮件”字段中选择的选项。与销售团队相关的公司可以在相应的字段中指定。在Invoicing Target字段中,您可以定义当前月份的收入目标。
Under the Members tab, you can add employees to the team using the Add button. You will get a new wizard as shown in the image below as soon as you select the Add button.
You can select members for your team from this window. After adding members, the new sales team will be saved to your system.
All Sales Teams configured in the Odoo Sales module can be managed in a separate platform which is available under the Orders menu. This platform will display all sales teams in an organized manner. You will get the number of opportunities, quotations, sales orders, orders to invoice, leads, and many more sales-related operations managed by each sales team from the preview itself.
在Odoo Sales模块中配置的所有销售团队都可以在Orders菜单下的单独平台中进行管理。该平台将以有组织的方式展示所有销售团队。您将从预览中获得机会、报价、销售订单、发票订单、潜在客户以及由每个销售团队管理的更多销售相关操作的数量。
The Sales Analysis button will lead you to a new window where you will get the sales analysis report of the selected group. This report can be used to analyze the performance of the team based on various criteria.
Clicking on the three vertical dots given on the top right corner of each sales team will give you some advanced options to manage the sales operations.
Here, you will get the options to view Opportunities, Quotations, Sales Orders, and Invoices managed by this sales team. Similarly, you will get options to create new Opportunities and Quotations from this menu. The Reporting field includes the options to generate reports of the Opportunities, Quotations, Sales, Invoices, and Activities managed by this particular team. These options are available on each sales team in the Kanban view.
After configuring sales teams, let’s move to the creation of sales quotations in the Sales module.
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