- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月28日 06时49分57秒
Salary Attachments** We can obtain the list of all salary attachments of employees by clicking on the Salary Attachments menu inside the Contracts tab ......
Salary Attachments
We can obtain the list of all salary attachments of employees by clicking on the Salary Attachments menu inside the Contracts tab. You can acquire the data concerning each salary attachment, including Employee, Type, Status, Description, Start Date, and more. By choosing the CREATE button, we can develop a new salary attachment in Odoo 16 Payroll.
In the open window, the user can choose the Employee name and add the information about salary attachment in the Description field. Users can set the Type of salary attachment as Child support, Assignment of Salary, etc.
Next, we can apply the beginning date in a Start Date field. It is possible to upload any important files by clicking on the UPLOAD YOUR FILE icon in the Document field. Additionally, mention the cash to pay each month in the Monthly Amount field. You can apply the whole cost to be paid in the Total Amount field.
Each data is saved manually in the Odoo 16 Payroll. You can mark the stage as COMPLETED once selecting the MARK AS COMPLETED icon. By choosing the CANCEL button, your specific salary attachment for an employee will be canceled.
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