- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月26日 06时25分23秒
* Reporting ** *** * 报告 ** *** The advanced Reporting feature available in the Odoo 16 Purchase module will give effective reports about the purcha ......
The advanced Reporting feature available in the Odoo 16 Purchase module will give effective reports about the purchase operations done in your company. You can generate reports on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis and use them to analyze your purchase activities. The dynamic purchase reporting platform will help you to analyze data in graphical as well as pivot tables.
Odoo 16采购模块中提供的高级报告功能将提供有关您公司所完成的采购操作的有效报告。您可以生成每日、每月或每年的报告,并使用它们来分析您的购买活动。动态采购报告平台将帮助您分析图形和数据透视表中的数据。
The screenshot shown above is the line chart of the Untaxed Total of the purchases based on their confirmation date. You can observe the Graphical reports in Line, Bar, and Pie Charts based on your convenience. The Line and Bar charts can be arranged in ascending or descending order.
You can set the Measures as Average Cost, Days to Confirm, Days to Receive, Gross Weight, Quantity Billed, Quantity Ordered, Quantity Received, Quantity to be Billed, Total, Untaxed Total, Volume, and Count.
You can filter the report based on the Request for Quotations, Purchase Orders, Confirmation Date Last Year, Order Date, and Confirmation Date. Using the Add Custom Filter option, you can create new custom filters for your reports.
您可以根据“报价请求”、“采购订单”、“去年确认日期”、“订单日期”和“确认日期”筛选报告。使用Add Custom Filter选项,您可以为报表创建新的自定义过滤器。
Similarly, you will get default Group By options also in the purchase reporting platform
同样,您也将在购买报告平台中获得默认的Group By选项
You can group the reports based on Vendor, Vendor Country, Purchase Representative, Product, Product Category, Status, Company, Order Date, and Confirmation Date. Use the Add Custom Group button to create custom group by options.
While using the filter Confirmation Date, you will get the Comparison option that helps you to compare the current report with previous period as well as year.
在使用过滤器Confirmation Date时,您将获得Comparison选项,该选项可帮助您将当前报告与前一个期间以及年份进行比较。
Now, let’s check the Pivot view of the Purchase report.
Using the small + icon will help you to expand the table with additional data. You can convert the report into a spreadsheet using the Insert Spreadsheet button. Based on your requirements, you can customize the purchase reports and analyze them without any confusion.
With assistance from the dedicated purchase management system included in the new Odoo 16, you can manage all your purchase related operations hasslefree.
在新的Odoo 16中包含的专用采购管理系统的帮助下,您可以轻松管理所有与采购相关的操作。
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