- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月24日 06时21分40秒
You need to migrate from your current system or website to the Odoo website. Replace the old URL with the new URL. All SEO ranks improve with URL redi ......
You need to migrate from your current system or website to the Odoo website. Replace the old URL with the new URL. All SEO ranks improve with URL redirects. In it, we will tell you how to switch to the new one. This recipe also shows how to redirect the old URL to the new URL.
To use redirects, go to Websites> Configuration> Redirects. A tree view of redirects appears. Simply click the Create button to create a new record.
1. Name: Name of the site rewritten
2. Action: Actions to be performed in this rewrite.
a. 302 Temporarily Moved: An HTTP status code of 302 means the page the user is trying to access has changed. Temporarily moved to another location. The server redirects the user to the new destination with a 302 "Found " or " Moved Temporarily" redirect, but the original location is still used for requests.
b. 404 Not Found: The 404 error is an HTTP status number that indicates that the page you are trying to access on a website does not exist on the server.
c. 301 Moved Permanently: The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 301 Transferred Permanently redirect status response code indicates that the requested resource was definitely moved to the URL specified in her Location header. Search engines update links to resources after the browser redirects to the updated URL.
d. 308 Redirect / Rewrite: The 308 Permanent Redirect redirect status code indicates that the requested resource was permanently redirected to the URL specified in her Location header. The browser will be redirected to this page, and the search engine will update the link to the resource ("link juice" in SEO terms will be transferred to the new URL).
3. Url from: old URL
4. Url to: new URL
5. Website: The website field is used when using the Multiple Websites feature and restricting the redirect rule to only one website. However, by default, the rule applies to all websites. Active: Can be used to occasionally activate / deactivate the rule.
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