- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月26日 07时13分29秒
* Product Variants & Attributes ** *** * 产品变体和属性 ** *** Offering multiple variants of a product to customers is an effective strategy to improve sa ......
Product Variants & Attributes
Offering multiple variants of a product to customers is an effective strategy to improve sales. Odoo allows you to configure different variants of a product in the Inventory module just like we did in the Sales and Purchase module. Firstly, make sure to activate the Variants feature from the Settings menu of the Inventory module as shown below.
The Product Variants option can be assessed from the Products menu of the Inventory module. The configuration of the product variant is the same as we discussed in the previous section.
可以从Inventory模块的Products菜单中评估Product variables选项。产品变体的配置与我们在前一节中讨论的相同。
The screenshot shown below shows the list of variants configured in the Inventory module. This window also is similar to the Products window. The only difference is that here, you can observe the Variant Values of the respective products.
While configuring a new product, you can mention its variants in the Attributes & Variants tab. Here, you need to mention the Attributes and Values of the variant.
在配置新产品时,您可以在Attributes & variables选项卡中提到它的变体。在这里,您需要提到变体的Attributes和Values。
Using the Configure button, you can create a new variant value from this platform itself. Apart from this, Odoo offers another platform to configure new attributes of a product and its values. You will get access to this platform from the Configuration menu.
Click the Attributes button from the Configuration button and Odoo will lead you to the platform with the list of already configured attributes. It shows the Attribute name, Category, Display Type, Variants Creation Mode, and eCommerce Filter Visibility. In order to search for attributes, you can use the search box. For sorting operations, you will get custom Filter and Group By options on this window. For creating new attributes, use the Create button.
单击Configuration按钮中的Attributes按钮,Odoo将引导您进入带有已配置属性列表的平台。它显示属性名称、类别、显示类型、变体创建模式和电子商务过滤器可见性。为了搜索属性,您可以使用搜索框。对于排序操作,您将在此窗口上获得自定义Filter和Group By选项。要创建新属性,请使用Create按钮。
You can mention the suitable title for the attribute in the Attribute Name field. Set a category in the Category field to regroup similar attributes under the same section on the comparison page of eCommerce. The Display Type of the attribute used in the product configurator can be set as Radio, Pills, Select, or Color. In the Variants Creation Mode, you can define the method of variants creation from the given options that are:
您可以在attribute Name字段中为属性指定合适的标题。在“类别”字段中设置一个类别,以便在电子商务比较页面的同一部分下重新组合相似的属性。产品配置器中使用的属性的显示类型可以设置为单选、药丸、选择或颜色。在变体创建模式中,您可以从给定的选项中定义变体创建方法,这些选项是:
Instantly: All possible variants are created as soon as the attribute and its values are added to a product.
Dynamically: Each variant is only created when its corresponding attributes and values are added to a sales order.
Never: Variants are never created for the attributes.
You can not change the variant creation mode once the attribute is used on at least one product. You can provide a filter option for the customer on eCommerce to filter products based on their attributes by activating the Visible option from the eCommerce Filter Visibility field. Selecting the Hidden option will hide the attribute filters on the eCommerce page. You can mention the Attribute Values one by one using the Add a Line button. Activating the Is Custom field will allow users to input custom values for the attribute value.
一旦在至少一个产品上使用了该属性,就不能更改变体创建模式。您可以为电子商务上的客户提供一个筛选选项,通过激活电子商务筛选可见性字段中的可见选项来根据产品的属性筛选产品。选择Hidden选项将隐藏电子商务页面上的属性过滤器。您可以使用“添加线路”按钮逐个提到属性值。激活Is Custom字段将允许用户为属性值输入自定义值。
The products with this attribute can be observed using the smart button called Related Products as highlighted in the image above.
可以使用上图中突出显示的名为Related products的智能按钮观察具有此属性的产品。
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