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- 上传时间:2024年02月26日 08时17分09秒
* Product Packaging ** *** * 产品包裹 ** *** Using the Odoo Inventory management system, you can put your products in packs and track them effortlessly ......
Product Packaging
Using the Odoo Inventory management system, you can put your products in packs and track them effortlessly. It will be beneficial to ensure secure and comfortable transportation and movements of products in inventory. Putting products in packages will protect them from damage to some extent. As we all know, delivering products in good condition without any damage is a crucial responsibility of all companies. Odoo 16 helps you to create multiple packages for a single product, a single pack for different products, and delivery packages. Let’s check these packaging features available in the Inventory module.
使用Odoo库存管理系统,您可以将产品放入包装中并毫不费力地跟踪它们。这将有利于确保安全和舒适的运输和库存产品的移动。把产品放在包装里可以在一定程度上保护它们不受损坏。众所周知,完好无损地交付产品是所有公司的重要责任。Odoo 16帮助您为单个产品创建多个包,为不同的产品创建单个包,以及创建交付包。让我们检查一下库存模块中可用的这些包装功能。
You will get access to the packaging features in the Inventory module after activating them from the Settings menu. As shown in the screenshots below, you need to activate the Packages option from the Operations tab and the Product Packagings option from the Products tab.
从Settings菜单中激活后,您将可以访问Inventory模块中的打包功能。如下面的屏幕截图所示,您需要激活Operations选项卡中的Packages选项和Products选项卡中的Product Packages选项。
Product Packaging
Using the Odoo Inventory management system, you can put your products in packs and track them effortlessly. It will be beneficial to ensure secure and comfortable transportation and movements of products in inventory. Putting products in packages will protect them from damage to some extent. As we all know, delivering products in good condition without any damage is a crucial responsibility of all companies. Odoo 16 helps you to create multiple packages for a single product, a single pack for different products, and delivery packages. Let’s check these packaging features available in the Inventory module.
使用Odoo库存管理系统,您可以将产品放入包装中并毫不费力地跟踪它们。这将有利于确保安全和舒适的运输和库存产品的移动。把产品放在包装里可以在一定程度上保护它们不受损坏。众所周知,完好无损地交付产品是所有公司的重要责任。Odoo 16帮助您为单个产品创建多个包,为不同的产品创建单个包,以及创建交付包。让我们检查一下库存模块中可用的这些包装功能。
You will get access to the packaging features in the Inventory module after activating them from the Settings menu. As shown in the screenshots below, you need to activate the Packages option from the Operations tab and the Product Packagings option from the Products tab.
从Settings菜单中激活后,您将可以访问Inventory模块中的打包功能。如下面的屏幕截图所示,您需要激活Operations选项卡中的Packages选项和Products选项卡中的Product Packages选项。
This is the Kanban view of the platform.
From the list view, you will get the Display Name, Package Type, Location, and Company details of the already configured packages. You can create a new package for multiple products using the Create button.
The Package Reference can be observed in this window as shown above. In the Package Type field, you can select a suitable type for your packages. The configuration of the package type will be discussed later. The total weight of the package can be specified in the Shipping Weight field. Mention the name of the Company and the Location of the product in the respective fields. The Pack Date will be displayed in the corresponding field. You can set the Package Use as Disposable Box or Reusable Box. Reusable boxes are used for batch picking and emptied afterward to be reused. In the barcode application, scanning a reusable box will add the products in this box. Disposable boxes are not reused. When scanning a disposable box in the barcode application, the contained products are added to the transfer. The Products included in this package can be seen under the Content tab. The product list will only appear after you use this package for stock movements. It includes the Product Name, Lot/Serial Number, Quantity, and Unit of Measure.
如上所示,可以在此窗口中观察到包引用。在Package Type字段中,您可以为您的包选择合适的类型。包类型的配置将在后面讨论。包裹的总重量可以在Shipping weight字段中指定。提及公司的名称和产品在各自领域的位置。包装日期将显示在相应的字段中。“包装用途”可设置为“一次性包装盒”或“可重复使用包装盒”。可重复使用的盒子用于批量挑选,然后清空以重复使用。在条形码应用程序中,扫描一个可重复使用的盒子将添加该盒子中的产品。一次性盒子不能重复使用。当在条形码应用程序中扫描一次性盒子时,所包含的产品被添加到转移中。这个包中包含的产品可以在Content选项卡下看到。产品列表只有在您使用此包进行库存移动后才会出现。它包括产品名称,批号/序列号,数量和计量单位。
It is possible to put multiple products in a package while confirming delivery orders. After confirming the sales order, you can confirm the delivery order using the smart button available on the respective sales order window. As shown below, you will get the delivery order to validate.
Here, you can find the Put in Pack option under the Operations tab. The products ordered by the customer can be put in a pack using this button. As soon as you click on this option, a new smart button will appear on the screen as shown below.
在这里,您可以在Operations选项卡下找到Put in Pack选项。客户订购的产品可以使用此按钮进行打包。一旦你点击这个选项,一个新的智能按钮将出现在屏幕上,如下所示。
Clicking on the Packages button will give you the details of the package of this delivery order.
Such created packages can be observed in the Packages menu of the Inventory module as we discussed earlier.
Product Packaging
The user will get access to the Product Packaging window from the Configuration menu of the Inventory module. You can use this feature to pack multiple units of a product. The window will show the Product, Packaging, Package Type, quantity of products in the package, Unit of Measure, Sales, and Purchase details.
Click the Create button. Odoo will display a new product packaging creation window as shown below.
Here, you can mention the name of the Packaging, Product, Package Type, Contained Quantity, Barcode used for packaging identification, and Company in the corresponding fields. You are allowed to activate the Purchase and Sales options if you want to use this product packaging in the purchase and sales orders respectively.
You can define product packaging from the product configuration window also. We already discussed this while detailing the product configuration in the Inventory module.Now, we will look at configuration of package types in the Inventory module
Package Type
The option to define different types of packages can be found in the Configuration menu of the Inventory module as shown in the image below. With the help of this platform, you can configure multiple package types for delivery operations.
You can observe all predefined package types in this window along with the details of the Carrier, Package Type, Height, Width, Length, Max Weight, and Carrier Code. Let’s check how Odoo creates new package types for products. For this, you can use the Create button.
In the Package Type field, you can specify a suitable title for the package. After this, define the Size of the package type in the specified field. The total weight of the package can be added in the Weight field. The maximum weight shippable using this package type can be mentioned in the Max Weight field. In the Barcode fields, you can specify the barcode used for the package identification process. After mentioning your Company , you can add the Carrier and Carrier Code used for this package.
在Package Type字段中,您可以为包指定一个合适的标题。之后,在指定的字段中定义包类型的大小。可以在weight字段中添加包裹的总重量。使用此包类型可运送的最大重量可以在Max weight字段中提到。在Barcode字段中,您可以指定用于包识别过程的条形码。在提及贵公司后,您可以添加此包裹使用的承运人和承运人代码。
As we understand the packaging feature in Odoo, let’s move to the product traceability feature.
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