- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月26日 08时05分58秒
* Product Categories ** *** * 产品类别 * You can categorize your products using the Product Categories feature available in the Odoo Inventory module. In ......
Product Categories
You can categorize your products using the Product Categories feature available in the Odoo Inventory module. In order to perform various kinds of product operations, it is essential to define product categories in Odoo. Odoo will make the products easier to find because it allows you to filter by product categories. The user will get access to the Product Categories window from the Configuration menu of the Inventory module as shown below.
您可以使用Odoo Inventory模块中提供的产品类别功能对产品进行分类。为了执行各种产品操作,在Odoo中定义产品类别是必不可少的。Odoo将使产品更容易找到,因为它允许您按产品类别进行过滤。用户将从库存模块的Configuration菜单访问产品类别窗口,如下所示。
The pre-configured categories can be obtained from this window such as All, Consumable, Deliveries, Rental, Saleable, Internal, External, and many more. Let’s create a new product category using the Create button. Odoo will direct you to a new window to configure a new product category as shown in the screenshot below.
The name of the new category can be specified in the given field along with the details of its Parent Category and Avatax Category. In the Taxcloud tab, you can mention the TaxCloud Category of this product category. It refers to the taxability information codes which are used by TaxCloud to compute specific tax rates for each category. This value is used when no TIC is set on the product. If no value is set here, the default value set in Invoicing Settings is used. Under the Logistics tab, you can define the Routes of operation of this product category. In the Force Removal Strategy field, you can set a specific removal strategy that will be used regardless of the source location for this product category.
The Reserve Packaging can be set as Reserve Only Full Packaging or Reserve Partial Packaging.
· Reserve Only Full Packagings: It will allow you to reserve full packaging only. If a customer orders 2 pallets of 1000 units each and you only have 1600 in stock, then only 1000 will be reserved.
· 只预留完整包装:它将允许您仅保留完整包装。如果客户订购2个托盘,每个托盘1000个,而你只有1600个库存,那么只保留1000个。
· Reserve Partial Packagings: It allows reserving partial packaging. If a customer orders 2 pallets of 1000 units each and you only have 1600 in stock, then 1600 will be reserved.
· •预留部分包装:允许保留部分包装。如果客户订购2个托盘,每个托盘1000个,而你只有1600个库存,那么1600个将被保留。
In the Accounting Properties tab, you can specify the Income Account and Expense Account in the respective fields. The income account will be used when validating a customer invoice and the expense is accounted for when the vendor bill is validated.
In the Inventory Valuation tab, you can set the Costing Method for this product category. The costing methods available in Odoo are,
· Standard Price: The products are valued at their standard cost defined on each of them.
· 标准价格:产品按每个产品上定义的标准成本进行定价。
· Average Cost (AVCO): The products are valued at weighted average cost.
· 平均成本(AVCO):产品以加权平均成本计价。
· First in First out (FIFO): The products are valued supposing those that enter the company first will also leave it first.
· 先进先出(FIFO):假设那些最先进入公司的产品也会最先离开公司,那么这些产品就会受到重视。
You can set the Inventory Valuation of the product category as Manually or Automated as per your requirement. In the case of Manual inventory valuation, the accounting entries to value the inventory are not posted automatically. In Automated inventory valuation, an accounting entry is automatically created to value the inventory when a product enters or leaves the company.
When you select the Automated inventory valuation, you will get an additional tab called Account Stock Properties on the screen. This tab includes
当你选择自动库存评估时,你将在屏幕上获得一个名为Account Stock Properties的附加选项卡。此选项卡包括
· Valuation Account: When automated inventory valuation is enabled on a product, this account will hold the current value of the products.
· 库存计价科目:当产品上启用自动库存估值时,该账户将保留产品的当前价值。
· Stock Journal: When doing automated inventory valuation, this will be the account journal in which entries will be automatically posted when stock moves are processed.
· 库存日记账:在进行自动库存评估时,这将是在处理库存变动时自动发布分录的账户日记账。
· Stock Input Account: Counterpart journal items for all incoming stock moves will be posted in this account unless there is a specific valuation account set on the source location. This is the default value for all products in this category. It can also directly be set on each product.
· 库存进货科目:除非在来源地点设置了特定的估值账户,否则所有来料库存变动的对应日记账项目将在该账户中发布。这是该类别中所有产品的默认值。也可以直接设置在每个产品上。
· Stock Output Account: When doing automated inventory valuation, counterpart journal items for all outgoing stock moves will be posted in this account, unless there is a specific valuation account set on the destination location.
· 库存出货科目:在进行自动库存评估时,所有出库库存移动的对应日记账项目将在此账户中发布,除非在目的地设置了特定的估值账户。
The smart buttons available on the product category window will give details of the Products configured under this category and Putaway Rules respectively.
Now, let’s take a look at the Packaging feature offered by the Inventory module.
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