- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2023年11月04日 02时11分01秒
* Odoo runbot ** *** Odoo runbot是用于测试Odoo的环境。runbot服务器将提供Odoo的所有已安装版本,其中可能包括版本或分支。企业版和社区版都可以托管在服务器上。Odoo runbot是一个开放平台,因此任何人都可以使用它来执行和测试Odoo的功 ......
Odoo runbot
Odoo runbot是用于测试Odoo的环境。runbot服务器将提供Odoo的所有已安装版本,其中可能包括版本或分支。企业版和社区版都可以托管在服务器上。Odoo runbot是一个开放平台,因此任何人都可以使用它来执行和测试Odoo的功能。
Odoo runbot is an environment for testing Odoo. The runbot server will provide all installed versions of Odoo, which may include editions or branches. Both enterprise and community editions can be hosted on the server. Odoo runbot is an open platform, so anyone can use it to execute and also test Odoo's features.
On this platform, almost all the latest buildup of all versions are available.
如果在本地开发时出现任何错误,请在Odoo runbot上进行检查;如果runbot也出现同样的问题,那就是Odoo的bug。否则,错误来自开发模块或Odoo副本。
If there is any error that occurred at the time of developing locally, check it on the Odoo runbot; if the runbot also shows the same issue, it will be the bug of Odoo. Otherwise, the error is from the developing module or copy of Odoo.
如何访问Odoo runbot。
How to access Odoo runbot.
只需浏览Odoo runbot并选择浏览器上显示的链接。然后你可以看到下面的景色。然后你可以访问runbot。
Just browse Odoo runbot and pick the link shown on the browser. Then you can see the view below. Then you can access runbot.
This is the home page of runbot, where you can see the green or red color highlighting squires to suggest whether the build is active or not. You can use the green, It is an active build, and the other is not active yet.
We can open the required Odoo version by clicking the blue button in the rows, and we also prefer community or enterprise.
Two databases are available; they are 'all' and 'base.’Every module will be installed in the 'all' database, and demo data will be stored. But in the 'base' database, no modules will be installed.
Runbot provides the newest build features with Odoo. You can see data of other people using the system at the same time as you because so many individuals from all over the world can utilize the instances concurrently. Runbot supports a multi-user system.
Let’s see the log file showing the Build errors by clicking the gear button of non-active branches.
Below is a log file showing the error from non-active branches.
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