- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月27日 07时19分33秒
Master Production Planning** Master Production Planning can be considered as a production forecasting mechanism based on the forecasted demand. The us ......
Master Production Planning
Master Production Planning can be considered as a production forecasting mechanism based on the forecasted demand. The user will get access to this feature in the enterprise edition of the Odoo 16 Manufacturing module. In order to plan the production, the manufacturers can use the Master Production Planning feature. It calculates the product demand according to forecasts. You can also adjust the value if the estimation is wrong. This feature is beneficial for planning production in accordance with the market demand. In order to meet the demand, this feature can assist the user in estimating the required quantities of the product that needs to be produced.
First, you need to activate the Master Production Schedule feature from the Planning tab of the Settings menu as shown in the image below.
After enabling the feature, set the Time Range also. It can be Monthly, Weekly, or Daily. You can also mention the Number of Columns for the MPS reports in the given space. Now, you can go to the Planning menu and select the Master Production Schedule option.
Based on the Time Range you set, the screen will display columns accordingly. You can expand the details by adding additional rows to the window by activating corresponding options from the Rows menu. It includes Starting Inventory, Demand Forecast, Actual Demand, Indirect Demand Forecast, To Replenish, Actual Replenishment, Forecasted Stock, and Available to Promise.
When you add a product to the MPS, the route of operation of the respective product should be set as ‘Manufacturing’ then only Odoo can generate a manufacturing order on replenishment. After making adjustments in the routes of operation, you can add the product into MPS by clicking on the Add a Product button. This will open a pop-up window as shown below.
Specify the Product, Bill of Materials, and Production Warehouse in the respective fields. In the Safety Stock Target field, mention the minimum free stock you want to maintain for the mentioned product at all times. You can mention the Minimum to Replenish and Odoo will always at least replenish the mentioned quantity unless the demand is 0. The quantity mentioned in the Maximum to Replenish indicates the maximum replenishment you would like to launch for each product in the MPS. if the demand is higher than this quantity, the remaining quantity will be automatically transferred to the next period. Now, click the Save button.
The starting inventory or the on-hand quantity of the product is 16. Stock details for the next 12 months can be found in this window. The starting stock of this month is 16. The estimated demand for this product for the current month can be specified manually in the Forecasted Demand field. The amount to be replenished via a purchase order or manufacturing order will be shown in the Suggested Replenishment. The Forecasted Stock indicated the estimated quantity available in inventory till the end of the period. When you click on the Replenish button, Odoo will generate a manufacturing order or purchase order according to the route of operation of the product. You can check the Manufacturing Orders platform to view the orders generated to replenish the product. The Source of the orders can be seen as MPS.
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