- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月24日 07时07分14秒
Manage Branches** There are three possible branches in Odoo.sh. Development, Staging, and Production. None [1] Development* In the Development stage, ......
Manage Branches
There are three possible branches in Odoo.sh. Development, Staging, and Production.
In the Development stage, it provides databases for testing for both developers and end-users. Users can rapidly test the latest advancements in these branches. These data are used in unit tests. Whenever a new commit happens to these development stage branches, it will create a new database. These databases are only valid for three days. Since the purpose of these branches (branches in the Development Stage) are development and testing, it will automatically restrict mail servers and scheduled actions.
Staging branches are for testing without exposing the production data. This database is a neutralized copy of the production database. The most recent database is kept in staging, while older instances are trash removed to save space. A Staging database can be used to test the newly designed features.
The Production stage contains the Production database. In short, we can say that the changes you make here are final and are for real, which simply means that we have our live database now. A new commit to this branch updates the production server with the new code and restarts the service. If you fail to restart the service after updating the code in the production branch, the branch reverts to the previous successful commit. Our production database is protected in this way. Since it is the live database, the demo data is not loaded into the production database, and unit testing is not performed because the server may be unavailable to prepare updates.
You can unite the branches by dragging and dropping one branch into another branch. You may integrate the changes made in development with those made in staging and subsequently with those made in production. Direct merging from development to production is also possible, but it demands guts and audacity. When you do this, the tests in the staging stage are bypassed. Only do this if you are certain that the updates are correct.
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