- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月25日 11时49分54秒
* Lost Reasons ** *** * 失去原因 ** *** While working with leads/opportunities, you might lose some of them due to certain reasons. In Odoo CRM, it is ......
Lost Reasons
While working with leads/opportunities, you might lose some of them due to certain reasons. In Odoo CRM, it is possible to keep track of such leads/opportunities along with the reasons. Later, you can regain these lost opportunities with the assistance of Odoo. Under the Configuration menu of the CRM module, you will be able to get the Lost Reasons option which will give access to the platform to configure the reasons for losing leads/opportunities.
在处理潜在客户/机会时,由于某些原因,你可能会失去其中一些。在Odoo CRM中,可以跟踪这些潜在客户/机会以及原因。之后,你可以在Odoo的帮助下重新获得这些失去的机会。在CRM模块的Configuration菜单下,您将能够获得“丢失的原因”选项,该选项将访问平台以配置丢失线索/机会的原因。
You can find some already configured Lost Reasons on this platform. Now, using the Create button, we can create a new lost reason. This can be done within a few clicks. As soon as you click on the Create button, a new line will appear under the existing line where you can simply mention the lost reason.
您可以在这个平台上找到一些已经配置好的Lost Reasons。现在,使用Create按钮,我们可以创建一个新的丢失原因。这可以在几次点击中完成。只要单击Create按钮,就会在现有行下面出现一个新行,您可以在其中简单地提到丢失的原因。
After mentioning the reason, the new Lost Reason will be saved in your database. Now, let’s take a look at how to use these reasons for a lost lead/opportunity. While managing a lead/opportunity in the Odoo CRM module, you will be able to get the option to mark the opportunity as Won or Lost.
说明原因后,新的失去原因将保存在数据库中。现在,让我们来看看如何利用这些原因来失去线索/机会。在Odoo CRM模块中管理潜在客户/机会时,您将能够选择将机会标记为赢或输。
If you lose an opportunity, you can use the Lost button. As soon as you click on this button a pop-up will appear to mention the lost reason.
In the drop-down menu, you will get the list of lost reasons that we configured earlier. You can select a suitable reason from the given list and click on the Submit button.
After submitting the lost reason, your opportunity will be marked as Lost as shown in the screenshot below.
If you want to regain the lost opportunity, you are allowed to use the Restore button. If there is any possibility to restart the business from a lost opportunity, you can use this button and create a new opportunity.
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