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JSON-RPC** JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is a format for interchange data that is primarily used in applications and APIs. The primary benefit of ......
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    JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is a format for interchange data that is primarily used in applications and APIs. The primary benefit of using JSON is that it is simple to write and parse through the contents. It is simple to read and interpret. To make a remote call to a Python method, we can use RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

    Odoo's json-rpc API method allows users to connect to the Odoo server remotely. It is an RPC that has JSON encoding. It's comparable to XML-RPC but much lighter and doesn't need a response to send data to the server than XML-RPC.

    Connection to Odoo

    Let's look at how the json-rpc method can be used to connect to Odoo.

    import json
    import json
    import random
    import urllib.request
    host = 'localhost'
    port = 8016
    database = 'DemoDB'
    user = 'admin'
    password = 'admin'
    def json_rpc(url, method, params):
       data = {
          "jsonrpc": "2.0",
          "method": method,
          "params": params,
          "id": random.randint(0, 1000000000),
       req = urllib.request.Request(url=url, data=json.dumps(data).encode(), headers={
       reply = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode('UTF-8'))
       if reply.get("error"):
           raise Exception(reply["error"])
       return reply["result"]
    def call(url, service, method, *args):
       return json_rpc(url, "call", {"service": service, "method": method, "args": args})
    url = "http://%s:%s/jsonrpc" % (host, port)
    uid = call(url, "common", "login", database, user, password)
    (Py3.6_venv) cybrosys@cybrosys-shamsad:~/json-rpc$ python3 json-test.py

    This will give output as the ID of the user.

    url: Specifying the URL of JSON-RPC with host and port number

    service: Set the service as common

    method: Set the method as login

    args: Pass the argument as given below:

    database: name of database

    user: login user id

    password: password of user

    This will give output as the ID of the user.

    Search/ Read Records

    We can use JSON RPC to fetch data and to search/ read out data from the database.

    import json
    import random
    import urllib.request
    host = 'localhost'
    port = 8016
    database = 'DemoDB'
    user = 'admin'
    password = 'admin'
    def json_rpc(url, method, params):
       data = {
          "jsonrpc": "2.0",
          "method": method,
          "params": params,
          "id": random.randint(0, 1000000000),
       req = urllib.request.Request(url=url, data=json.dumps(data).encode(), headers={
       reply = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode('UTF-8'))
       if reply.get("error"):
           raise Exception(reply["error"])
       return reply["result"]
    def call(url, service, method, *args):
       return json_rpc(url, "call", {"service": service, "method": method, "args": args})
    url = "http://%s:%s/jsonrpc" % (host, port)
    uid = call(url, "common", "login", database, user, password)
    task_ids = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.task", "read", [1])
    print("Tasks: ", task_ids)

    url: Specifying the url of json-rpc with host and port number

    service: Set the service as object

    method: Set the method as execute

    args: Pass the argument as given below:

      database: name of database

      uid: id of user

      password: password of user

      model_name: model name

      method: method as read to call the read method

      ids: list of ids in which data should read

      And the output will be:

      python3 json-test.py
      Tasks:  [{'id': 1, 'rating_ids': [], 'rating_last_value': 0.0, 'rating_last_feedback': False, 'rating_last_image': False, 'rating_count': 0, 'rating_avg': 0.0, 'rating_avg_text': 'none', 'rating_percentage_satisfaction': -1.0, 'rating_last_text': False, 'activity_ids': [], 'activity_state': False, 'activity_user_id': False, 'activity_type_id': False, 'activity_type_icon': False, 'activity_date_deadline': False, 'my_activity_date_deadline': False, 'activity_summary': False, 'activity_exception_decoration': False, 'activity_exception_icon': False, 'message_is_follower': True, 'message_follower_ids': [29, 30, 31], 'message_partner_ids': [3, 7], 'message_ids': [45], 'has_message': True, 'message_needaction': False, 'message_needaction_counter': 0, 'message_has_error': False, 'message_has_error_counter': 0, 'message_attachment_count': 0, 'message_main_attachment_id': False, 'website_message_ids': [], 'message_has_sms_error': False, 'email_cc': False, 'access_url': '/my/tasks/1', 'access_token': '4c36bc36-f60a-4da8-9aa3-c81e05a7079a', 'access_warning': '', 'active': True, 'name': 'Office planning', 'description': False, 'priority': '0', 'sequence': 20, 'stage_id': [3, 'Done'], 'tag_ids': [], 'kanban_state': 'normal', 'kanban_state_label': 'In Progress', 'create_date': '2022-06-05 07:29:59', 'write_date': '2022-11-05 07:29:55', 'date_end': '2022-11-05 07:29:59', 'date_assign': False, 'date_deadline': False, 'date_last_stage_update': '2022-11-05 07:29:59', 'project_id': [1, 'Office Design'], 'task_properties': [], 'display_project_id': [1, 'Office Design'], 'planned_hours': 20.0, 'subtask_planned_hours': 0.0, 'user_ids': [], 'portal_user_names': '', 'personal_stage_type_ids': [], 'personal_stage_id': False, 'personal_stage_type_id': False, 
      'partner_id': [8, 'YourCompany, Joel Willis'], 'partner_is_company': False, 'commercial_partner_id': [8, 'YourCompany, Joel Willis'], 'partner_email': 'joel.willis63@example.com', 'partner_phone': '(683)-556-5104', 'partner_city': 'Bayonne', 'manager_id': [6, 'Marc Demo'], 'company_id': [1, 'YourCompany'], 'color': 7, 'project_color': 3, 'rating_active': False, 'attachment_ids': [], 'displayed_image_id': False, 'legend_blocked': 'Blocked', 'legend_done': 'Ready', 'legend_normal': 'In Progress', 'is_closed': True, 'parent_id': False, 'ancestor_id': False, 'child_ids': [], 'child_text': False, 'allow_subtasks': False, 'subtask_count': 0, 'email_from': 'joel.willis63@example.com', 'project_privacy_visibility': 'portal', 'working_hours_open': 0.0, 
      'working_hours_close': 880.0, 'working_days_open': 0.0, 'working_days_close': 110.0, 'is_private': False, 'allow_milestones': True, 'milestone_id': [1, 'First Phase'], 'has_late_and_unreached_milestone': False, 'allow_task_dependencies': False, 'depend_on_ids': [], 'dependent_ids': [], 'dependent_tasks_count': 0, 'is_blocked': False, 'display_parent_task_button': False, 'allow_recurring_tasks': False, 'recurring_task': False, 'recurring_count': 0, 'recurrence_id': False, 'recurrence_update': 'this', 'recurrence_message': False, 'repeat_interval': 0, 'repeat_unit': False, 'repeat_type': False, 'repeat_until': False, 'repeat_number': 0, 'repeat_on_month': False, 'repeat_on_year': False, 'mon': False, 'tue': False, 'wed': False, 'thu': False, 'fri': False, 'sat': False, 'sun': False, 'repeat_day': False, 'repeat_week': False, 'repeat_weekday': False, 'repeat_month': False, 'repeat_show_dow': False, 'repeat_show_day': False, 'repeat_show_week': False, 'repeat_show_month': False, 'analytic_account_id': [19, 
      'Office Design'], 'is_analytic_account_id_changed': False, 'project_analytic_account_id': [19, 'Office Design'], '__last_update': '2022-11-05 07:29:55', 'display_name': 'Office planning', 'create_uid': [1, 'OdooBot'], 'write_uid': [1, 'OdooBot']}]

      If we want to use search read method, we have to replace the task_ids as given below.

      task_ids = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.task", "read", [1])

      Create Records

      We can create records in the database using JSON-RPC.

      Let us see how to create a record:

      URL: Specifying the url of json-rpc with host and port number

      service: Set the service as object

      method: Set the method as execute

      args: Arguments to create records

      project_args = {
        'name': 'JSON_RPC Project 3'
      project_id = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.project", "create", project_args)
      #Create task only if project is created
      if project_id:
        task_args = {
            'name': 'JSON_RPC Task 1',
            'project_id': project_id
        task_id = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.task", "create", task_args)

      The screenshot below shows the project and task created.

      odoo Development

      Update Records

      project_args = {
        'name': 'JSON_RPC Project 3'
      project_args_update = {
             'name': 'JSON_RPC Project updated'
      project_id = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.project", "create", project_args)
      #Create task only if project is created
      if project_id:
        project_update = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.project", "write",project_id ,project_args_update)

      It is used to update the records.

      odoo Development

      Delete Record

      project_args = {
        'name': 'JSON_RPC Project 3'
      project_id = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.project", "create", project_args)
      #Create task only if project is created
      if project_id:
        project_update = call(url, "object", "execute", database, uid, password, "project.project", "unlink", [project_id] )

      By using the unlink method we can delete the record created using json-rpc.

      Calling Method

      import json
      import json
      import random
      import urllib.request
      host = 'localhost'
      port = 8016
      database = 'DemoDB'
      user = 'admin'
      password = 'admin'
      def json_rpc(url, method, params):
         data = {
            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
            "method": method,
            "params": params,
            "id": random.randint(0, 1000000000),
         req = urllib.request.Request(url=url, data=json.dumps(data).encode(), headers={
         reply = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode('UTF-8'))
         if reply.get("error"):
             raise Exception(reply["error"])
         return reply["result"]
      def call(url, service, method, *args):
         return json_rpc(url, "call", {"service": service, "method": method, "args": args})
      url = "http://%s:%s/jsonrpc" % (host, port)
      uid = call(url, "common", "login", database, user, password)

      Here we mention the URL with host and port. Then we mention the database name, user login, and password. Then we use service and common and method as login to connect to the Odoo database.

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