- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月25日 02时25分39秒
* CRM ** *** Odoo ERP系统提供客户关系管理软件,有效管理客户,建立新的业务关系。CRM模块允许您在一个地方监控和操作所有新的线索和机会。拥有一个足够的平台来管理潜在客户、机会和相关业务,将在很多方面给公司带来好处。我们周围的商业世界正在迅速发展,为了应对这种 ......
Odoo ERP系统提供客户关系管理软件,有效管理客户,建立新的业务关系。CRM模块允许您在一个地方监控和操作所有新的线索和机会。拥有一个足够的平台来管理潜在客户、机会和相关业务,将在很多方面给公司带来好处。我们周围的商业世界正在迅速发展,为了应对这种增长,你必须在客户管理方面走在前面。每年,Odoo都会推出新版本,其中包含各种各样的新功能,可以帮助公司在多个层面上提高性能。Odoo 16,最新版本的Odoo ERP系统包含了先进的工具来提高CRM模块的工作效率。
Odoo ERP system offers Customer Relationship Management software for the effective management of customers and the establishment of new business relationships. The CRM module permits you to monitor and operate all new leads and opportunities in one place. Having an adequate platform for the administration of leads, opportunities, and related operations will benefit a company in many ways. The business world around us is growing rapidly, and in order to cope with this growth, you must be ahead with customer management. Every year, Odoo introduces its new version with a wide variety of new features that help a company improve its performance at multiple levels. Odoo 16, the latest version of the Odoo ERP system includes advanced tools to enhance the working efficiency of the CRM module.
销售人员可以很容易地访问销售渠道,其中包括所有信息在一个地方。销售管道中可用的良好可视化信息可以用来有效地监控CRM操作。该管道中可用的数据将根据作业进度进行分段。根据进度,可以为线索和机会分配合适的阶段。改进的可视化是最新版本的Odoo CRM的一个吸引人的特性。在详细介绍CRM模块功能的同时,还将讨论其他新特性。
The salesperson will get easy access to the sales pipeline which encompasses all information in one place. The well-visualized information available in the sales pipeline can be utilized to monitor CRM operations effectively. Data available in this pipeline will be segmented based on the progress in operations. Suitable stages can be assigned for leads and opportunities according to the progression. Improved visualization is one of the attractive features of the latest version of Odoo CRM. Additional new features will be discussed while detailing the functionalities of the CRM module.
本章将通过新的Odoo 16 CRM模块提供完整的指导。让我们从CRM模块的主仪表板开始,当您从Odoo仪表板中选择模块时,它就会出现。
This chapter will provide complete guidance through the new Odoo 16 CRM module. Let’s start with the main dashboard of the CRM module that appears as soon as you select the module from the Odoo dashboard.
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