- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月25日 11时29分05秒
* Converting Leads into Opportunities ** *** * 将线索转化为商机 ** * We discussed all available methods for the generation of leads with the help of the Odo ......
Converting Leads into Opportunities
We discussed all available methods for the generation of leads with the help of the Odoo 16 CRM module. Now, we will be discussing the conversion of leads into opportunities. Creating new leads has become an effortless task with the introduction of the CRM module. After getting a positive response from the customers, you can easily convert these leads into successful opportunities within a few clicks. If the terms and conditions are agreeable for both parties, you can convert a lead into an opportunity using the CRM module. In some cases, you can directly convert a lead into a sales quotation according to the level of interest that the customer shows in your business.
我们讨论了在Odoo 16 CRM模块的帮助下产生潜在客户的所有可用方法。现在,我们将讨论如何将潜在客户转化为机会。随着CRM模块的引入,创建新的潜在客户已经成为一项毫不费力的任务。在获得客户的积极回应后,您可以在几次点击中轻松地将这些线索转化为成功的机会。如果双方都同意条款和条件,您可以使用CRM模块将潜在客户转化为机会。在某些情况下,您可以根据客户对您的业务表现出的兴趣程度直接将潜在客户转换为销售报价。
For converting a lead into an opportunity, you can select one from the Leads menu. You can also create a new lead using the Create button and later convert it into an opportunity.
As you can see in the screenshot above, here we selected an already generated lead from the given list. You will get options such as Convert To Opportunity, Enrich, Lost, and Convert To Ticket buttons. In order to convert this lead to an opportunity, you can click on the Convert To Opportunity button. As soon as you click on this button, a pop-up will appear to mention the details regarding the opportunity.
You have to select Conversion Action from the given options. You are allowed to convert this lead to opportunity or merge with existing opportunities. By selecting the Merge with existing opportunities option, you will get an additional field to specify the list of existing opportunities with which you want to merge this lead with.
您必须从给定的选项中选择Conversion Action。您可以将此线索转换为机会或与现有机会合并。通过选择Merge with existing opportunities选项,您将获得一个额外的字段,用于指定您想要与之合并的现有机会列表。
You can assign this opportunity to a particular Salesperson and Sales Team by mentioning their name in the corresponding fields. If you select the Convert to Opportunity option as the Conversion Action, you will get a field to define how to create a new customer record from this lead. You can create a new customer, link to an existing customer, or do not link to a customer as per your requirements. Finally, use the Create Opportunity button.
您可以将此机会分配给特定的销售人员和销售团队,方法是在相应的字段中提及他们的名字。如果选择“转换为机会”选项作为转换操作,您将获得一个字段,用于定义如何从该潜在客户创建新客户记录。您可以根据需求创建新客户、链接到现有客户或不链接到客户。最后,使用Create Opportunity按钮。
As you can see in the image above, the lead is now converted into a new opportunity. Now, you can convert this opportunity to a new sales quotation based on the request from the customer.
So far we are discussing the conversion of opportunity from lead and now let's move to the conversion of sales quotation from an opportunity.
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