- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2023年11月07日 23时51分17秒
Adding Models *** A model is a class that maps to a data relation. It will include all the necessary fields and behaviors for the data you will be sto ......
Adding Models
A model is a class that maps to a data relation. It will include all the necessary fields and behaviors for the data you will be storing. The _name attribute is most required as it defines the name of the model. In many cases, every model is associated with a single database table.
Three types of models are:
· 1. Models
· 2. Abstract model
· 3. Transient model
In the model itself, model fields are defined as attributes.
From . import models, fields
class ExampleModel(models.Model):
_name = "model.name"
Field = fields.Char(string="field's label")
Abstract Model
Main super-class for regular database-persisted Odoo models.
All models in Odoo are created by inheriting from this class.
from . import models, fields
class AbstractModel(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "model.name"
Field = fields.Char(string="field's label")
Transient model
Model super-class for transient records, they are vacuum-cleaned on a regular basis and are intended to be only temporarily persistent.
It has simplified access rights management. All users can create new records. But, they can only access the records they have created. Without any restrictions, all Transient Model records are accessible to the superuser.
from . import models, fields
class TransientModel(models.Transientmodel):
_name = "model name"
Field = fields.Char(string="field label")
Creating models
In order to create a new model, we should add a python file describing it and then upgrade the module. The path which is used is relative to our add-on module’s path.
1. In the model directory, add a python file
example: Let us create a module named visa in that add a python file named visa_application.py
from Odoo import models, fields
class VisaApplication(models.Model):
_name = "visa.application"
name = fields.Char("Name")
2. Add a python initialization file and load the python file to it.
I.e., Add the below code to the __init__.py file
from . import visa_application
I.e., from . import filename
3. In order to have the models directory loaded by the module, edit the module’s python initialization file.
from . import models
4. From the apps menu in the user interface, upgrade the Odoo module. We can check if the model is added by activating the developer mode and going to General Settings > Technical > Database Structure> models and search for our model “demo.model” on that.
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