- 上传者: Administrator
- 上传时间:2024年02月26日 06时12分54秒
* 3 方匹配 * The * 3 Way Matching Purchase Receptions and Bills * feature in the Odoo 16 Purchase module will help you in ensuring that you only pay th ......
The 3 Way Matching Purchase Receptions and Bills feature in the Odoo 16 Purchase module will help you in ensuring that you only pay the vendor bill for the products which are delivered to your address. You may receive vendor bills from vendors before receiving the ordered products in the purchase order. However, you may desire to postpone the payment until the products are delivered. In such cases, you can use the 3 Way Matching Purchase Receptions and Bills feature available in Odoo to decide whether the vendor bill should be paid or not. This will compare the information available on the purchase order, vendor bill, and receipt. This feature will stop you from paying inaccurate or fake vendor bills.
Odoo 16购买模块中的3种方式匹配购买接收和账单功能将帮助您确保您只支付交付到您地址的产品的供应商账单。在收到采购订单中订购的产品之前,您可能会收到供应商的供应商账单。然而,你可能希望推迟付款,直到产品交付。在这种情况下,您可以使用Odoo中提供的3种方式匹配购买接收和账单功能来决定是否应该支付供应商账单。这将比较采购订单、供应商账单和收据上的可用信息。此功能将阻止您支付不准确或虚假的供应商账单。
Initially, you have to activate the 3 Way Matching Purchase Receptions and Bills feature from the Settings menu of the Purchase module.
You will get this feature under the Invoicing tab as shown in the image above. Remember that the bill control policy must be set on the Received Quantities. You can set the control policy from the Settings menu or the product details window of the product that you want to order.
After activating the 3-way matching purchase receptions and bills feature and defining the control policy for bills, you can create a new purchase order with the products that have the control policy on received quantities. The vendor bill of this purchase order will show the information that whether you should pay the bill or not. Odoo will display one of the three possible default values mentioned below on the vendor bill.
· Yes: This indicates that the products are delivered and the bill must be paid.
· No: This indicates that the products you bought are not delivered yet and you shouldn’t pay the bill.
· Exception: This indicates that there is a difference between the quantities you ordered, billed and received.
l 是:这表明产品已经交付,必须支付账单。
l No:这表示你买的东西还没有送到,你不应该付钱。
l 例外:这表示您订购、计费和收到的数量之间存在差异。
Odoo will set this value automatically on the vendor bill. Let’s check how this works in Odoo.
After confirming the purchase order, you can receive the products you ordered by clicking on the Receive Products button.
确认购买订单后,您可以通过单击receive products按钮接收订购的产品。
You can validate the receipt and generate a vendor bill for this purchase.
The Create Bill button will help you to generate a new vendor bill. Under the Other Information tab of the vendor bill, Odoo will automatically display whether you need to pay the bill or not.
创建账单按钮将帮助您生成新的供应商账单。在供应商账单的Other Information选项卡下,Odoo会自动显示您是否需要支付账单。
As you can observe in the image above, it shows Yes which indicates that you should pay this vendor bill because you have received the products that you ordered.
Now, let’s discuss the Dropshipping feature available in the Purchase module.
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